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Achieve your clinical trial patient enrolment goals with our proven patient-first strategic approaches to patient recruitment.

Patient recruitment delays are remarkably common and costly.  In fact, nearly 80 percent of patient recruitment timelines in clinical trials are not met and over 50 percent of the patients are not enrolled within the planned time frames, according to Clinical Leader (2018).  Some studies suggest each day of clinical trial setbacks can cost a sponsor $1m in expected sales.  

So why is patient recruitment so challenging?  After years of experience, BioScien has identified the key pitfalls, considerations and subsequent solutions to plan for and achieve your enrolment goals.

At BioScien, we believe that sound recruitment strategies targeted for intended participants, are emerging as the critical success factors to recruiting the right patients for a clinical trial.

Today’s patients are tech-savvy, pro-active health care consumers. Many patients today search online to find out information about a disease, treatment options, and clinical studies. Nearly half of potential participants find out about participating in a clinical trial through the media and internet. Our recruiters employ many innovative technologies, tools, and tactics to target study participants and improve the efficiency of our efforts.

For BioScien, focusing on consumers and on science has had the most measurable effect on our patient recruitment successes for customers. Patient-centric advertising, including branded study websites powered by strong marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, have improved our patient recruitment success rates for our customers in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

In addition to patient-centric websites, we use the following tactics to help you successfully enrol patient in your clinical trials:

  • Digital Media Campaigns
  • Dedicated in-house call center
  • Online Platforms
  • Social media
  • Targeted websites
  • Study apps which have a targeted audience of patients looking for clinical trials
  • Advocacy groups
  • Doctor involvement
  • Participant education
  • Study information sheets
  • Developing IRB-approved pre-screening protocols

If any one interested to participate in Clinical Trials, then please contact at